Your online orders will be shipped from our warehouse near Dallas, Texas.
Our warehouse is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time Monday through Friday and is closed on weekends and public holidays.
In most cases, orders received before 11 a.m. Central Time on a business day will be processed and ship out the same day. Orders received after 11 a.m. will ship out the following business day. Depending on your location, domestic shipping typically takes between 1 and 4 business days. A confirmation will be sent to you by email once an order has shipped.
International Shipping is available. Once you reach the checkout, you will have the ability to select the destination country and fill in address details. At that time, multiple shipping options will display their pricing and you will be able to decide the best method. There could be customs and duties fees on international shipments not calculated during the checkout but due upon receipt of the package. The best resource for this information will be the postal service and shipping company websites.